Once some of the ex Cornish Miners in the ‘Copper Triangle’ (Wallaroo, Kadina and Moonta) on York Peninsular were made aware that the area/township know as Callington (named after ‘Callington, Cornwall’) had signs of copper, they shot down and started digging! This was right back at the beginning of the British Colony of South Australia – in the 1840’s. And copper there was, but at a price. They copied the old Cornish style of mining – dropping down vertical shafts and then, from time to time, running out horizontal shafts, seeking out the copper veins. So what was the price? Flooding! From the very close by Bremer River! Big pumps were brought in, but eventually the flooding won! These days Callington Township is just a very nice place to live and run a business. Run a business? Yes, Alcatraz Self Storage, 1150 Back Callington Road, Callington, SA. The pace at Callington is slow; particularly crossing our ‘One-Way’ (at a time) town bridge. But that is not the only access to our business – for large Removalist Vans, coming off the Old Princes Highway works well. Why not combine a ‘a step back in history‘ and tour our wee town – and at the same time inspect our Cheep Self Storage business?